Looking for a gift for a guitarist? There are ALOT of music-related gifts out there, and most of them really are not worth a second look. But here on GuitarGearFreak.com, we have a short but GREAT list of some unique gifts for your beloved guitar player.
This headphone amplifier looks
AWESOME. There are many headphone amp designs as well, I believe about 8 or so. All you have to do is plug in your guitar with a guitar cable, plug in your headphones and play.
You could take this literally anywhere as this is the size of a mint box (probably why they chose an Altoids
case design for one of them). The price of these pretty cheap as well, but the wiring looks top notch.
This would be an easily appreciated gift for any guitar player. You can check the other designs on
Amazon here.
Aquarius Fender Amp Large Gen 2 Tin Storage Fun Box
This storage box, or lunchbox, looks just like a Fender amp. Looks pretty detailed as well as if I could just plug right in.
On the back it's even better - it shows the backside of the guitar amp as if the real deal was right in front of you. There's also a Tweed Bassman version of this lunchbox.
It even has the bolt details on the siding along with the GT tubes, and Jensen speakers.
The details state it's meant for storage only, but I would absolutely use this for a lunchbox.
You can check out more info about this on
Amazon here.
The Key Board by DropLight - Guitar Amp Wall Key Holder
This is pretty awesome - This is a wall mounted key holder. It comes with 6 audio plugin keychains.
The seafoam
design really stands out and looks great. There are 6 more designs as well.
This amp keyholder is very detailed, even the red light works. Personally, the seafoam design is the best, but the tweed and other versions look great as well.
To see more info on this and other designs, you can check it out on Amazon here.
DIY 3-String Cigar Box Guitar with Magnetic Pickup
Really cool lookingDo It Yourself Cigar Box Guitar Kit. These guitars sound great - very old blues sound to them. That's probably whyMuddy Waters & Howlin' Wolfwould play these.
These are built really nice with chrome corners, soundholes, and tuners. The trim from the cigar box really adds to the overall look.
Also, you can also plug it in and use the pickup with the volume knob. Possibly plug this into an overdrive pedal and go to town.
Cigar Box Guitars look like art. I would be happy to play, but I would also be happy having it out to look at.
You can check out more info about this on
Amazon here.
Who wouldn't want a mini-fridge? More specifically, who wouldn't want a half stack mini-fridge?
The front of this fridge looks Just like a Marshall half stack - knobs and all. You could set this up in your practice space and it would fit right in.
To be honest, we always wanted a mini-fridge in our practice space because our drinks would get warm-hot while playing. Wish we thought of this sooner.
You can find more information about this on
Amazon here.
This is probably more of a showpiece only because the front of this is stickers. However, if you don't mind handwashing with care you can drink from this as well.
The size says 24 oz
- which is a pretty hefty amount of coffee for a mug.
The design looks pretty awesome - very cool looking amplifier that you can drink from.
Whether you want to drink from it or set it somewhere in your place, this would make a great gift.
Well, there you have it. If you have any other great guitar gift ideas you'd like to share, post it in the chat below. We love to see what's out there.
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